Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Ok. I admit it. I can be a bit OCD at times. It's not horrible, but when it hits...well.....

As you may have read, I have a spiffy projector that I use to project my computer (and now my xbox) on either the wall at the foot of my bed, or I can move it to above my desk and project it on the far wall if I have guests over.

Another friend of mine got himself some plotter paper that he uses, but he said that it's slightly reflective. My walls are white, so it turns out I really didn't need the paper.

However, my walls are littered with holes from...who knows what. Pictures, hooks, you name it. So, I decided I would get some spackle, flat white paint, a putty knife and some sandpaper. Well everything showed up quick enough.....except the putty knife. Great. So after waiting an extra week or 2 weeks (I forget) it finally showed up today. So I went around and happily spackled up the holes in the two locations I project the screen. Then I look around the room. Hrm. There are more holes. I look at the rather full spackle container. I make my decision, and spackle every hole I can find in my room, which actually was quite a bit. I still have some left, so when I sand down the walls and look over the projector walls for any other holes that I might have missed I can hit them up. It's not that the projector looked bad on the walls, but this will make it look better ;)

In regards to my previous post, I have had a hot shower every day. It's phenominal.

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