Saturday, February 5, 2011


So, as I sat today in the latrine, I looked over the myriad of scrawlings and scribblings of the future generation of America as I usually do. I look at the horrible misspellings, incorrect grammar, pictures of women with men genitalia, phallic symbols, how one unit sucks more than another, how a certain person on base is easy.....and I weep inside. Of course there is always a well minded person who tries to correct spelling and grammar, just as on forums but it just adds fuel to the fire.

However, being in a contemplative mood today, a thought struck me. What if this is natural? What if this is the product of thousands of years of instinct? What if the cave drawings that archaeologists have been pouring over for centuries are nothing more than scribblings of cave people taking a dump and not having anything better to do, while they do their business?

It's a shame that our waste is biodegradable, we'll never know...until someone invents a time machine.

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