Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So there I was, minding my own business taking a leak in the bathroom that was just fixed....the one without any hot water because they didn't have the fuses to run the water heater.....(why would you order fuses for it if it wasn't functioning...even though it was due to be fixed). I went to wash my hands and.....nearly burnt my hands! What was this? HOT WATER. When it was time to take my shower, the blessed...blessed hot water came flowing from the shower head freely. I took a navy (aka combat) shower where you turn the water off inbetween shampoo and soap and still had a massive amount of hot water which I left for whoever came in after me.

I don't know who brought the fuses....and when....but I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Friday, January 14, 2011

He's baaaaack

Wow, so much time as passed, and so much has happened.

The internet provider I was using in the tents where I lived was shut down, and the people that shut them down were horribly unreliable, not to mention not always taking new that pretty much left me without internet for quite some time.

Honestly, I really didn't mind much. I was able to get to my college website at work, so I could work on my schoolwork on breaks or after hours, and a friend of mine lived on the Special Ops compound and had a wired internet to the provider so it was pretty quick. Between those two, I was able to finish up my school. The government unclass network does not allow people to go to blog sites (like this one) and I really didn't have the time nor inclination to post when I was at my friends house becuase it was usually late at night and just wanted to do my schoolwork and be done.


That was then, this is now.

I spent about 5 months as the Regional tech out here in Kandahar, before they decided they wanted to switch people up and put them in different spots. The guy that was coming in to be my boss in the south was a raging...feminine cleaning product. I don't know if they had planned to move me or not, but I requested to fill in the Special Ops compound spot since the guy there was leaving soon and I didn't want to be stuck with this new boss. Thankfully, my move was approved and I was allowed to move. It wasn't until it was a done deal that the feminine cleaning product was moved elsewhere and wouldn't have been my boss they they had considered me becoming the lead here. I thought long and hard about it, and although it would have been sucky I decided that if they wanted me I'd do it. Fate stepped in, and I found out they already had another person who was coming into theater in mind so I moved to the Special Ops compound.

That's not to say I'm not living the good life now. If I had stayed as Regional Tech, or the Regional lead I would have still been in a tent. However, as a tech over on the SOTF compound I live the good life. I'm in a hardened room that measures about 12ft by 12 ft with a small extra area for a foot locker and storage space off that room. The guy I replaced used to live in this room and it even had a couch! Not bad...not bad at all.

As time went on, I managed to make some upgrades. First, there is a door that joins my room to my neighbor....a neighbor that likes to play loud music until well past midnight. He's a soldier, I'm a contractor....I didnt' want to bug him too much because it's probably one of the few things he gets to do over here that he enjoys...but I needed sleep. I asked once if he could turn it down, which I'm sure he took down 1/500th on the dial, because I didn't notice a difference. So, I scrounged big sheets of styrafoam and layered 3 sheets deep on the door. It still wasnt enough, so I cut a custom piece of 1" plywood I found and stuffed foam in the cracks. It muffles it enough now that it's tolerable and almost always isnt that bad.

My upstairs neighbor is pretty nice. He likes to mix music during the day on his off time, and for now I don't need to sleep during the day because of a weird schedule so it doesn't bother me at all. When and if I have to start working wacky hours may become an issue. However he told me when I was moving in if I have any problems to let him know. He's a contractor too so he understands.

Overall life on the compound is good. It's within the confines of Kandahar, so I'm not on a little FOB somewhere. The food is pretty damn good. Mondays is meatloaf, tuesdays taco night, wed ital night, thurs surf and turf, fri pizza, sat soul food (my least favorite) and sunday bbq (awesome ribs!). Breakfast is good, and lunch is....ok. Saturday's lunch is mongolian bbq, and we get to pick food and veggies and they will grill it up with teriyaki, soy sauce, or sweet and sour.

Christmas here was pretty uneventful. My wife sent me a 2 foot tree with lights and ornaments, and my mom sent me some xmas decorations too so I was able to decorate my room a little to help with the christmas spirit. I was also able to watch my wife and kids open their gifts via webcame (in stutters, but it worked at least) so it wasn't horrible.

I picked up a projector to plug my computer (and my xbox that my wife just sent me) into, and project a 48" screen at the foot of my bed.

It works surprisingly well. I chose it because it was an LED lamp projector and had a much longer lamp life. It's not as bright when the lights in my room are on, but I can still see it. When I turn the lights off it's PERFECT. My only gripe is that there is a little tiny speaker in it, and there is no audio out port. So when I hook up my xbox to it with my HDMI cable, I cant port the audio out to headphones or speakers. So I use the PC cable with it and swap between my computer and xbox depending on what I want to use. Perhaps I'll get a switchbox one day, if I want to be really lazy.

Throw in a wireless keyboard and mouse and it's pretty spiffy. If a friend comes over, I can move it to one side of my room and project a 7' diagonal on my far wall which makes for a good movie screen. I really can't complain too much about the living here. There is one eensie teensie annoyance tho. Showers.

All but 1 shower I've ever had here has been cold. There are a lot of people here, and the sinks and washing machines share the same water so there is rarely any hot water. I commuted a few times back to the place where I lived so I could take a hot shower, but that kind of got old. One of the bathrooms here had pipe problems so they closed it down and opened up one of the female shower trailers for us. There was hot water there all the time, because it had it's own hot water heater...unfortunatley they fixed it yesterday and opened ours back up. Welcome back, cold showers. Thankfully, being the innovative person I am, I decided to try something. I picked up a camping solar shower for 15 bucks when all we had was cold water before the issue with the pipes.

It was delivered while we got to use the female showers so I didnt need it. But, since we're back to cold water, I decided to give it a test run today. Now, I have a hot water beverage heater that can fill it about halfway with scalding hot water I then top off the rest with the cold/luke warm water that the sinks provide and voila! A hot/warm shower. I was pretty happy at how it worked. It takes a little effort, but a hot shower is definately worth it. When I came out of the shower someone asked if the water was hot and I replied "Hell no, but I cheated so I had a hot shower."

Besides the hot water heater, I also have a small college fridge and a microwave that I picked I live like a college kid. I can heat up food when I want, I have cold water, hot water, and some food that I bought here and had sent from home.

With 7 months left on deployment here, I consider this living the high life. Hopefully now that I have stable wired internet and more time on my hands, I'll be able to start posting again on a semi-regular basis.